Is Selling Your Boat at the End of the Season Worth it?
You’ve wanted to sell your boat, but had to get that one last summer on the water in. Or maybe you were waiting for your new boat to be delivered before you give up your current one. Either way, while everyone’s hauling their boats out from the dock to be winterized for dry storage, you’re hoping to land a buyer who’s ahead of next season and got their eyes open for an end-of-season-deal.
To keep it on the water for another summer, or cash in at highest dollar pre-season?
Normally we’d tell you that at the end of the summer, unless you are lucky to live in an all-season boating zone, is a slower time of year than spring. The thing is, fall is still a better time to sell than winter. Sales drop off from September, decrease through January, and then pick back up sharply in the early spring. Buyers will also likely want to pay a little less end of season if they are immediately faced with having to pay for dry storage.